Great Package Deals on our Broyhill Bestsellers!
Here's your chance to enjoy substantial savings on Broyhill quality
in a wide array of styles and fabrics.
Every style shown is available as a sofa, matching loveseat, matching
chair and ottoman.
Limited Time Pricing
Any sofa and chair $1298 (compare at $1798)
Any sofa and loveseat $1398 (compare at $1968)
Any sofa, loveseat and chair $1998 (compare at $2667)
Add an ottoman for $299 (compare at $425)
Most sofas available as queen sleeper sofa at additional charge.
***Choose any style shown.
***Choose from many fabrics including microfibers, chenilles, tweeds,
linens plus decorative throw pillow fabrics.
***Choose from six custom leg finishes.
Free delivery and set up throughout the Delaware Valley.
